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Check me out on my newest PODCAST APPEARANCE
"Embrace the Face"
Announcing the
After you receive 3 1-Hour Readings from me, you will get 50% OFF the 4th Reading!!!
-Just mention "Golden Eagle Club" at the beginning of each reading to qualify for this discount.
Check my audiobooks...Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Spotify and anywhere audiobooks are sold!!

do you Want to communicate with entities to help improve your personal life and business?

Maria D'Andrea is an experienced professional in the spiritual, psychic, and paranormal fields having been a gifted reader since age 16. She is both an author and public speaker, teaching all over the world, and is a frequent guest in the media. She also has had her own Synchronicity Publishing Co., cable show, as well as currently a radio host.
Catch me on the podcast
Here's the link:
Catch me on the podcast
Here's the link:
A Little Background...
Maria is an internationally known professional psychic from Budapest, Hungary. Since early childhood she has demonstrated high spiritual awareness and psychic ability. Over her lifetime and as a Spiritual Leader, she has provided excellent psychic guidance and enlightenment to many people, assisting them on their own personal path of spiritual self discovery. Many occultists and psychics specialize in only one area, for example Tarot card reading or Psychometry. When you work with Maria, you can rest assured that she will be able to use the best method to achieve the best results for your particular circumstance.
Maria is known for a unique form of divination called "Rune Casting." This method was used by Vikings and Europeans to unlock information about the past, present and future by tapping into the Universal Mind. The responsibility of a selection of paths is yours after you have been made aware of the underlying factors and forces at work.
Bibliography (Partial Listing)
Some Books by Maria D'Andrea
"Heaven Sent Money Spells-Divinely Inspired For Your Wealth"
“Secret Magical Elixirs of Life”
“Secret Occult Gallery and Spell Casting Formulary”
“The Complete Magikal, Spiritual and Occult Oils-Workbook From A-Z”
“How To Eliminate Stress and Anxiety Through the Occult”
“Your Personal Mega Power Spells-For Love, Luck, Prosperity”
“Simple Spells With Playing Cards”
"100% Positive Spells and Incantations for Aladdin's Magick Lamp"
Witchcraft, the Occult and How to Select a Familiar"
Yes You Can Series
(As well as numerous co-authored books)
​Radio Appearances
KISS – 98.7 FM
WBAU – 90.3 FM
WBLS – 107 FM
WLIB – 1190 AM – "Numbers & You"
WGBB – 1240 AM
Coast To Coast month
Mages, sages and Seers
Behind The Paranormal
Exploring The Bizarre
Far Out Radio
Beyond The Darkness
Spaced Out Radio
On the Odd
Television Appearances
Long Island & Staten Island, N.Y. Cable / Time Warner – Host, Creator and Script Writer of her own series “The Spiritual World With Maria”
Cable – Channels 16 & 17 – “Aura” Adventures in the New Age
Long Island Cable TV – Channel 20 – “Beyond The Unexplained”
Cable – Channel 24 – Spacenet 111: “Satellite Psychic Show”
Staten Island Cable TV – Channel 34 – "Home Invaders" Variety Show
Brooklyn Cable TV – Channels 34 & 67
Manhattan Cable TV – Channel 57
Group W Cable – “Life Experience”
Most T.V. Stations and Cable, Nationwide
Infomercial - “Inner Search”​​​
I am Guest-Starring on the Douglas Dietrich Show...
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